Classes at Twirl!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twirl partners with Mommy Matters parenting series!

We are excited to bring Mommy Matters to Twirl this fall! We will provide childcare options, while you attend an excellent 8-week parenting class that covers Gottman, Love and Logic, and other principles. Classes are for Moms looking for help and support with toddler through preschool age children. Learn from local parent educators, Melissa Benaroya and Robin Dowdy, as they lead Moms on the path to a better relationship (and a little sanity) with your little ones.

I just finished the spring Mommy Matters session and was excited to implement some new techniques to our house that have removed unwanted chaos and increased my confidence.  I also picked up some much needed support from other Moms dealing with many of the same issues. Yes, out-of-control tantrums can be avoided... and no, your NOT alone!

Check out the Mommy Matters website and sign up now for this popular series!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your venture, and welcome to the neighborhood. Enza's was recently named as Seattle's Number 1 restaurant for kids, so we are totally supportive!

    Ronaldo for Mamma Enza
